Council Schedule

6:00 p.m.Pre-council Prayer Meeting

Sunday May 4
Sanctuary at the district campgrounds. Come together for prayer and worship before the Council begins on Monday. (NO CHILDCARE) No registration required.

10 a.m. - noon (no lunch)Leadership with Aaron Cole

Monday May 5
Pastor Aaron Cole will continue the Synergy Leadership series for those arriving in Hot Springs on Monday. Location: Lakeview Assembly of God, 4520 Central Ave. (NO childcare available) Pre-registration required. THIS REGISTRATION IS SEPARATE AND HAS ITS OWN LINK.

4:00 p.m.Registration area opens

Monday May 5
Lobby - Horner Hall - Hot Springs Convention Center

6:30 p.m.Opening Service

Monday May 5
Speaker: Alton Garrison
Horner Hall - Hot Springs Convention Center

6:30 p.m.Kids Council

Monday May 5
Speaker: John McLennan
Hot Springs Convention Center (check in at registration)
Pre-registration requested - go to:

9:30 a.m.Memorial/Morning Service

Tuesday May 6
Horner Hall, Hot Springs Convention Center

10:45 a.m.Business Session

Tuesday May 6
All voters MUST be registered
Horner Hall, Hot Springs Convention Center

6:30 p.m.Evening & Ordination service

Tuesday May 6
Speaker: Ronnie Morris
Horner Hall, Hot Springs Convention Center

6:30 p.m.Kids Council

Tuesday May 6
Speaker: John McLennan
Hot Springs Convention Center

For lodging information - District Council Hotel Blocks.pdf

Pre-registration will be open until 11:59 p.m. on April 1. Pre-registration will be $35 PER PERSON for ministers and delegates.  EARLY REGISTRATION IS CLOSED

After April 1, late registration will be open until 11:59 p.m. on April 15.  Late registration will be $50 per person for ministers and delegates.


  • Visitors will receive a name badge. Arkansas Ministers and Delegates DO NOT to register as a visitor.

Early registration is closed.

Late pre-registration will close on April 15.  


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