May ARSOM - 5/17/25
Please read:
1 - you must be enrolled in ARSOM before you sign up for a class.
2 - download your study guide during registration. Save to your computer. (Save in two different places and only use one copy if you want to make sure you don't lose your original) DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE STUDY GUIDE WITHOUT COMPLETING REGISTRATION FOR CLASS!!
3 - complete the study guide before the deadline and attach it as a Word or PDF document to an email. Send to the ARSOM email address. DO NOT USE PAGES FORMAT OR GOOGLE DOC FORMAT TO SEND STUDY GUIDE.
4 - failure to send the study guide by the deadline will result in points deductions (up to 3 days). A study guide later than 3 days will not be accepted.
5 - each student is responsible for their own study guide. Do not submit work you have copied from another student - couples are not allowed to submit duplicate study guides. Your study guide is to be YOUR WORK.
6 - time management is key. Order your book, do your study guide, submit the study guide, and attend class. Management of your time is a valuable key to success.
7. Many questions are already answered in the policy manual. All students are to have read the policy manual during enrollment.